Monday, May 23, 2011


आपकी आंखें  तो  कुछ  ज्यादा  ही  बोलती  है
 दूधिया  आशमान  में  जैसे  दो  छोटी  काली  रात  डोलती  है
 पलकें  आपकी  कई  राज  खोलती  है
 और  भंवे   तो  बस  बातों  को  तौलती  है

  जब  चुराए  दुसरो  से  तो  दिल  तोडती  है
   जो  शर्माए  ये  तो  दिल  जोडती  है
    की  जब  झुक  जाए  तो  प्रेम  की  उम्मीद  छोडती  है
आपकी आँखें  कुछ  ज्यादा  ही  बोलती  है

 होती  ये  जो  बंद, तो  सपनो  की  चादर  ओढती  है
  टूटे  जो  अरमान  कुछ  , तो  आंशुओ   से  धोती  है
  खफा  हो  जो  कभी  तो  सुर्ख  लाल  होती  है
   आपकी आँखें  कुछ  ज्यादा  ही  बोलती  है

कभी  चंचल  ये  हिरन  सी  दौरती  है
तो  कभी  खामोश  पानी  सी  तैरती  है
 कभी  नादान  हंसी  ये , तो  कभी  बिरहा  में  रोती  है
   आपकी आँखें  कुछ  ज्यादा  ही  बोलती  है

Monday, February 28, 2011


clouds were reluctant
fogs were hesitant

They Don't want me to rise

they don't have guts for my size

people were sleeping

proving themselves in dreaming

drowsiness never want to see a blaze

they want me to close in a cage

darkness was hostile and hated me

night tried hard and betrayed me

who wants to loose their existence

But they got a great negligence

i got a heat to move the air

created storm which made cloud bare

fog cleared my path and I pierced my ray

ended the darkness, and here comes a new day

no matters how long was night

no matters how hard was my fight

from my core , I know future is mine

its eternal truth that sun has to shine

sun has to shine

sun has to shine

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I write generally when I am frustrated and nobody is near to yell on. So what to write , I don’t know?? Again bashing Mumbai on its infrastructural crumbliness or hostile nature of people I deal with. Infact I got another choice which is to live my dream in unsung heroes and boost my confidence through fantasizing something which will be not possible by any chance in my life.
No I am quite bored of all those thing!!!!
So this time lets took the pant off of my own culture. Yeaahh its right , the big C of any society or so called pillar is so abnormal to understand that I can’t relate myself to this enigmatic thing.
Infact its impossible for many of us to answer simple question that what is our culture. Our parent lived in different place , so have their parents and we are following the same footprint. Now whom should we follow, our parents, grandparents or culture of so called of our current society.
Looking around of day to day life will provide more than plenty of example of our confusion about this thing. We are exactly behaving like a child who is very happy with PSP but also making the museum of his favourite old toys.
We on the same time want to wear jeans but on any Indian festival come in ethnic dress to show our connection with culture. Isn’t it hypocrisy? We want being both, stylish and connected to root. But why??What we want to prove? And the biggest question is to whom we want to prove.
We want our children’s life to be most modern in term of education ,lifestyle , society , everything or frankly speaking totally copy of USA . But ( society rules create lots of but, so don’t be annoyed) marriage should be in indian style. One should work like horse to generate money like ATM but should be loyal to everyone like DOG( life partner ,parents and even according to some shitty management intellectual one should be loyal to their company and BOSS). What a joke??
Why so much of expectation ? Why can’t I live my life in my own way? The worst thing is that you have to live on the expectation of people , you love most. You have to kill your inner feeling to satisfy them. I mean why love ( of any kind  )have such expectation. It should be free from any scarify . May be god has created love to interconnect people and form a rule for proper functioning of society.(that much I can guess). But it become emotional remote control by which , you can get desired result from your loved one.
Any culture want us to behave in idealistic ways , which ways are infact created by our ancestor considering their era. We also modify our culture in same way. But problem comes when we nominate activities uncultured with which we are not comfortable.
Culture should be their but it should be very free & adaptive . It should be customisable according to situations , locations and generation. All together moral of culture should be same irrespective of visual representation of it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

kuch alag

इस काल तो पुरषार्थ भी एक श्राप है
अब कहा योगियों में भी बचा ताप है
धर्म तो बस एक स्वार्थ साधक जाप है
आज तो सत्य बोलना भी एक घोर पाप है

सेवक नहीं हनुमान की मंथरा का राज है
वर्तमान का द्वेष देख रावण को आता लाज है
युध्य में पोर्शुत्व का कहा अब कोई काज है
विश्वासघात बन चूका विजय का स्वर साज है

हे राम कहा हो आप क्यों आपका वनवास है
क्या नहीं कोई कृष्ण , असत्य मीरा का विश्वास है
मंदिर बना व्यापर , पातकी को भी स्वर्ग की आस है
धुलते नहीं पाप अब , की गंगा में बचा कहा स्वाश है

ये कैसी संस्कृति जहा व्यसेयाओं का शम्मान है
मुर्ख चलता साशन ,वंश के हाथ देश की कमान है
मामा शकुनी की राजनीती ही चलती, उसका ही आज मान है
धिकार है हे आर्य तुझ पे , कहा तेरा श्वाभिमान है

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Md. Rafi real bharat ratna

you must be thinking that this is an article about the famous songs of  Md. Rafi,apparently its not as i am not a great fan of him(ya i always praised his singing).  it is about person  who was very good at heart being in a profession which has seen most anxious people who just ruined career of others to save their ground(other than politics.)
Ya its about Md. Rafi , who was just forgotten in this generation again due to his background as no strategic support ( which is always meant to have benefit for themself ) was behind him , and why should he get support  as he is a middle class Muslim from Punjab , i mean no strategic advantage in supporting him as how many muslims are there in punjab. Also why film industry remembers his name as he had no money to finance movie, infact he harmed music industry by raising voice against royality.
Being recognized as most talent singer ever produced by indian movie industry who could  sing classical like professional and youth song as rockstar, was not given Bharat ratna
and to our shame when upcoming actor, and useless fellow are awarded padmabhushan he was only padmashree.
A singer who was awarded as “singer of millenium “ of hindi song was so less to Lata mangeskar, sorry sorry sorry , Lata Tai, that he couldn't get padmabhushan even
in comparison to so called Lata “bharat kokila”, (who killed upcoming kokilas by blackmailing director and producer ), Mr. Rafi was the one who not only encouraged but recognized the potential of his biggest rival Kishore Kumar.
And it was not that he lost his relation with him after losing 6 consecutive filmfare, but it got more bounded with time.
Seriously india should ashamed of calling Lata bharat kokila when we got M S Subalakshmi . She had so sweet voice that gandhiji wanted to listen "Vaishno Jan to taaine kahaiye" ,   only in her voice even knowing the fact that she couldn't speak  hindi
Not only this , Lata killed so much career  by putting blackmailing condition of Defacto singing
When it come to royalty , argument of Md. Rafi can define his greatness.  Lata so called Tai, was arguing that singer are comprable to scientist(as they were only one who got royalty on that time) as they were one who were behind success and failure of song, Mr. Rafi was very much clear that song could be termed as  a team work of singer lyricist, music director , composer and even band person, so if royalty was to to be given , it should be distributed to all.
These word which defined idealism for normal people  were so worse for Lata that she never ever sang a duet with Md. Rafi. No doubt that her stubbornness won her great royalty.
Our same Tai was vocal on mumbai development but wait , not in support but against it as some flyover was made near her house and she was fearful that her voice may be hampered by the pollution created by flyover which was close to her window.
At last i want to say that please atleast , put regional politics apart from art and sports in which people just for recognition destroyed  their life.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hemu the forgotten legend

Hemu  the forgotten legend


Some days back  somebody told me that shivaji was the only main hindu king  who clashed  with  Mughals, Which striked a name in my mind HEMU
Who was hemu, if u watched “akbar the great “  then it might be possible that some traces of  2nd battle of panipat was present in ur memory .  he was played by a character who used be a rapist in Indian movies, so that even u can’t have a sympathy for him as the killing of hemu was the second most coward thing ever done by Akbar, as I hope real akbar  was not like  hrithik of jodha akbar (remember killing sorry massacre of Hindu peasants just to show he was a ghazi was the most coward thing ever done) .But  Seriously a master piece work  done by director to paint his character in such a color that we created YET ANOTHER HERO OF OUR SOCIETY

Any way akbar is not focus here , so who was hemu or hemachandra vikramaditya (as a title given by himself). Very intresting fact is that those who took his name is just to put him as another  HINDU KING but the fact was , that he was one of most secular king with most secular army in india

As explained by other , he was in real term him as “ napoleon of India” before actual napoleon
Why so …
Because as napoleon he was also not from royal background ,. He was a son of  vaishya or some says Brahmin. He got education in Sanskrit, hindi urdu , Persian and other languages. He learned all the art of fighting from his friend who was eventually a Rajput . 

These are some abstract from kk bhardwaj book
“At a very young age, Hemu,who was based at Rewari started supplying cereals to Sher Shah Suri's army. Slowly he started other supplies like saltpetre (for gunpowder) to Sher Shah's army. Sher Shah had defeated Humayun in the year 1540 and had forced him to withdraw to Kabul. Hemu also laid the foundation of brass cannons casting and manufacturing industry in Rewari, which remains an important industrial brass, copper sheets and utensils manufacturing centre even today.

After Sher Shah Suri's death in 1545, his son Islam Shah became ruler of North India. Islam Shah recognised the calibre, and administrative skills of Hemu and therefore made him his personal adviser. He consulted Hemu in matters relating not only to trade and commerce, but also pertaining to statesmanship,

diplomacy and general politics. Islam Shah initially appointed Hemu as Shahang-i-Bazar, a Persian word meaning 'Market superintendent' who managed the mercantile system throughout the empire. This post gave Hemu an opportunity to interact with the king frequently in order to apprise him of the trade and commercial situation of the kingdom. Abul Fazal says that Islam Shah held Hemu in great esteem. In 1550, Hemu accompanied Islam Shah to the Punjab where he was deputed along with other high officers to receive Mirza Kamran in the fort of Rohtas. Islam Shah consulted Hemu on a variety of matters. After serving as Sahang-i-Bazar,for some time, Hemu rose to become Chief of Intelligence or Daroga-i-Chowki (Superintendent of Post). Hemu held this position till October 30, 1553, when Islam Shah died.

Islam Shah was succeeded by his 12 year old son Firoz Khan who was soon killed by Adil Shah Suri. The new king Adil was an indolent, pleasure-seeker, drunkard and debauch as well as faced revolts all around. Adil Shah took Hemu as his Chief Advisor and entrusted all his work to him. Hemu now became the prime minister and chief of the Afghan army. After some time, Adil Shah became insane and Hemu became the virtual king.

Many Afghan governors rebelled against the weak King Adil Shah and refused to pay the taxes; Hemu went to various states in North India to crush rebellions. Ibrahim Khan, Sultan Muhhamad Khan, Taj Karrani, Rukh Khan Nurani and several other Afghan rebel officers were defeated and killed one by one by Hemu. At the battle of Chhapparghatta in December 1555, Hemu routed the Bengal forces under Muhammad Shah, who was killed in the battle.

At the time Afghans considered themselves to be natives (and were considered to be natives by the Hindus); on the other hand Akbar, writes Vincent Arthur Smith, was considered to be a foreigner. Writer K.K.Bhardwaj in his book "Hemu-Napoleon of medieval India" claimed that Hemu was a native ruler leading a native Afghan army to victory, battle after battle. Thus, Hemu became popular among Hindus as well as Afghans. Another writer K.R.Qanungo writes that, it indicates that the rule which Hemu established, commanding Afghan army was secular and nationalistic.

Hemu never saw the defeat in a battle and romped from victory to victory throughout his life (he died in the only battle he lost). If Napoleon promised his soldiers a glorious future they fought bravely in his Italian campaign and instilled in them a new vigour and enthusiasm by an excellent address leading to glorious victories, Hemu practiced[9] it by his lavish distribution of the spoils of war among his soldiers. After winning Agra, Hemu moved towards final assault on Delhi.

Tardi Beg Khan who was Governor of Delhi, representing Akbar, sent a despatch to Akbar and Bairam Khan that Hemu had captured Agra and was intending to attack the capital Delhi which could not be defended without adequate reinforcements. Bairam Khan who visualised the gravity of the situation, sent his ablest lieutenant Pir Muhammad Sharwani with other brave commanders to Tardi Beg to hearten him advising to do his utmost for the time being. Tardi Beg Khan summoned all the Mughal commanders of the neighbourhood to the rescue of Delhi and a war council was held. It was decided to fight Hemu and plans were made accordingly.”

Sir Jadunath Sarkar writes in detail about the battle of Tughlaqabad:

"The Mughal army was thus drawn up. Abdullah Uzbeg commanded the Van, Haider Muhammad the right wing, Iskander Beg the left and Tardi Beg himself the centre. The choice Turki Cavalry in the Van and left wing attacked and drove back the enemy forces before them and followed far in pursuit. In this assault the Victors captured 400 elephants and slew 3000 men of the Afghan army. Imagining victory already gained, many of Tardi Beg followers dispersed to plunder the enemy camp and he was left in the field thinly guarded. All this time Hemu had been holding 300 choice elephants and a force of select horsemen as a reserve in the centre. He promptly seized the opportunity and made a sudden charge upon Tardi Beg with this reserve."

The result was confusion and defeat for the Mughals. Hemu was helped by reinforcements from Alwar with a contingent commanded by Hazi Khan and desertions of various Mughal Commanders along with Pir Muhhammad Khan who fled away from the battle field to the utmost chagrin and surprise of Tardi Beg who followed suit.

Hemu won Delhi after a day's battle on October 6, 1556. Some 3000 soldiers died in this battle. However, Mughal forces lead by Tardi Beg Khan vacated Delhi after a day's fight and Hemu entered Delhi victorious under a royal canopy.”

Even in battle of panipat  he was on strong side or we can say was going to defeat but by accident a arrow injured his eye and he become unconscious , which was taken as opportunity by Bairam khan and rumour about his death created a virtual defeat of hemu. After that they have done series of famous coward act like beheading him in unconscious state

What I learned from his story that
Unlike other SO CALLED HERO OF HISTORY  he was not a royal.
He earned his power by true tactics, and in real terms  he was a great leader as to get power on that time when you were born slave to the MIGTHY FUC***G KING was really tough . he got it  by education, war strategy, business mind
Unlike other king he got a great command and knowledge on market as well as  war machine( like canons and saltpeter .)
He never lost any battle

But sorry to say , since he had not got any community ,( like maratha , muslims,,mundas etc.) who sympathize and take him as  ANOTHER HERO, he was lost in past

Situation is so bad no body remembers his name and many consider that period between Humayun and Akbar was not ruled at all. Even I have not any other photo than the picture I posted ( I mean not on even Google)
Here is a king who was Hindu  and was more powerful than mugals but so what , does he represent any community , no. so why  should you remember him ,. Why we should sung the bravery of a king who faced (unlike many so called HERO) battle himself and won each.

Today history is all about politicians, local leaders, artist who used it as their painting paper to paint whatever they want.
So Don’t ever be emotional fool and start thinking radically . Never ever believe on lok kathayein which are nothing but a work of toady poet (either its prthvi raj chauhan., jhansi ki rani , Mangal pandey, shivaji or  Vir kunwar singh )

When you Compare their life with him and other great kings of India , you will realize how much flattery in their tongue. I mean if they are so valiant why can’t they  defeat the English or invaders

Infact we worship all BIG LOSSERS who only fought ; never won

Monday, February 15, 2010

wait wait wait !!!! , don’t confuse with the book “ultimate exploration”, its mere a exploration for your own house but become ultimate if you are new comer to Mumbai.

As the shocking news come to ear that you are going to spend next 1 year in this city and you have to search for your own house (as it can’t be called home in any way). Start preparing yourself for the mental battle of adjustment.

You start surfing net for rental, but sorry Boss in Mumbai, owner either pretend to be so busy, or they are so computer illiterate that even they can’t post a free classified on internet. All time you end with broker on other side of phone and finally you have to succumb to these modern Pimps of reality industry.

As soon you enter broker office, a scene of large brothel as shown in Bollywood movies start revolving in your mind, as they seriously treat you like a new customer and believe me, you will be also confused as a new entrant to the area.

The scene so comparable to sporting house that you feel only back ground is changed.

They start to ask about the “price”, “your range”, “and your like”. LOL

Whatever combination of you have for all above thing, they will make you believe that you asking for a Mercedes in price of Maruti.

Any way they start showing you the houses which will all disappoint you. Actually this is their tactics to make you accept the fact that Boss don’t except anything but pay whatever I think. From starting they want to hook up you with the worst piece . some surrender to their choice other move on.

Finally you do you biggest compromise and select a flat , then you are shifted to new level of thus game.

Broker make a call to the owner , and you start waiting for him with your eyes staring at all people passing on road , thinking that he might be the one.

Finally the mighty Hero (who owns house is seriously more than a hero in Mumbai) come and start interrogating you. Trust me , your fiancé will not ask as much question about you and your life style as they do.

I mean what if I am a muslim or Bihari or non vegetarian . Am I going to leave my evil spirit in the house.

But any way they will ask as many question as they can

Don’t ask about their GK as they even don’t know that where the hell is Jharkhand and is sikkim in India ???.

Whether an IIT exist outside Mumbai or is there any engineering college outside Maharashtra.

My NIT frnd , they never heard the word NIT , so don’t mention these thing.

Btu at some time you start to feel that you are not living India but you are citizen of a state and you have no right to come to this place.Being from jharkhand , I have to answer that we don’t live in jungles . and we get enough food and shelter . we are also well educated and Our name is like “SUI MUI” .

Even ready to pay the unrealistic amount you have to take the humiliation with your crafty smile.

Then comes police verification .

Even after showing your Pan card , your passport , you have to be verified which is nothing but a white method of taking bribe as they never care about who the hell are are,. For them if you are able to pay then you are Indian citizen (as only we can exist and tolerate the system.

Finally you shift into house and try to make it your home but you will never ever be able to achieve that

As seriously it is a achievement

I remember the quote by a broker”भाई साब पिछले या इस जनम का कोई बहुत बड़ा पाप है जो आप को मुंबई लाया है , आब प्रस्चित्य करो